It is with joy a-plenty and asparagus a-few that I have found, this morn, that my internets have not been, nor likely will be, refused passage onto Sarah Nielson's refuge of Charms and Wits alike. As I gaze now upon the open expanse of land surrounding me, the vast soil upon which my comments, like potatoes, grow fertilely, I am struck with a large, beefy smile, and tears of fearsome pride.
I give passionate thanks to Sarah Bellum for granting me this privilege. May it go unpaid for centuries :-/!

Awesome. Just awesome!!
There are no commenters to bewilder and inadvertantly terrorize, but you are welcome anytime on my page.
indeed and welcomely so, the bewildering is grandly welcome at this site for ages to come and so is thee!
My friend, eye fucking shall be welcome for years and gratitude extends from the oral cavity to yr eyeballs. A great day ahead! :-)
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