Tuesday, September 2, 2008

An Excerpt from the Doggerels of a Trollpop

Quoth Volkerstein:

"Canis lupus dingo dangle
Jingle-jangle stein
Lull would I in gyre spangle
Should dingo dangle mine!"


Anonymous said...

Yes, dingoes should dangle.

TrollPop Volkerstein said...

Kitty Kate, I do find the very notion of dangling dingoes to be relatively facetious and borderline sadistic and would by no means speak of such perturbing antics in so jovial a doggerel. Perhaps a re-read is in order in which I pray you might delve deep into the true meaning of my literary whimsy, deep as the verbal spear you have thrust through my warrigal inclined heart.

Anonymous said...

Usually, talk of anything dangling, dingoes or no, can oftimes seem quite provocative. But I think I understand the message here. The dingoes have been quite vicious lately, haven't they?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am sorry if I have offended anybody. I was joking.
I did not take your writing to be something provocative... or sadistic.

Just struck me as funny so I wrote it.

Trollpop Janglestein said...

All wrongs, dear Katestein, shall be immediately forgiven by volkerstein. We Trollpop are swift to forgive and swifter still to forget.

Anonymous said...

That's why I love the trollpop..
so quick to forgive and forget.

Anonymous said...

Are Kate, Sarah and I the only ones who find the Trollpop et al to be amusing? Really???? Because this is the kind of humor that warms my heart... the kind you have to THINK about... the kind that obviously took a lot of thought and imagination.

Trollpops of the world, I salute you! Brilliant!!

Anonymous said...

I find trollpop amusing too, so that makes four of us. Not to mention the variety of trollpops that I am quite sure are amused with themselves daily.

Trollpop Wafflestein said...

I can honestly and unbiasedly say that the trollpop are the single most important members of modern society. I look forward to the posts of my fellow trollpop as eagerly as a couple awaits the birth of their child from its surrogate mother.

Anonymous said...

Andi, to clarify, I find him mildly amusing.

Trollpop Bagelstein said...

This poem smells of chaucer and lametaberries. I LAMETN!